Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Celebrating Hari Raya at Pa&Ma's Hometown

After few days trying to repair the Card Reader which have somehow broke, Papa manages to recover some pictures. Too sad, some of the pics is unrecoverable.
On 18 Sept 2009 we heading back to our hometown, somewhere in Terengganu. We enjoyed every second of it, the journey, the food, the house, the nature but meeting with grandparents and relatives are the most.
On 20th September , we celebrated Hari Raya, wearing Baju Melayu with Sampin, make me feel like a prince...:) and my sister, Najwa as the princess..Najhan? he always be the little prince for us.

Here are some of the pictures, which tells our great felling while at kampung!!

Too bad, Najhan has not taken his bath yet while we took this picture!